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Feb 22, 2022
In Software Clinic
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Feb 17, 2022
In Laptop & Notebook Clinic
Domino's Pizza once again supports NBA fans B2B Email List with its initiative 'The most awake'. In this third edition, Domino's gives a twist to the B2B Email List action and, on the occasion of All Star Weekend, joins forces with Drafters , the first Spanish-speaking channel on YouTube about the NBA. A content presented by Sergio Andres Chan B2B Email List and Jose Shenzhen DE Jadeite that accumulates more than 235 thousand followers . This is how 'The Show of the most awake' was B2B Email List born. Drafted edition'. Domino's 'The Most Awakened' kicked off in 2020 to support NBA fans during the wee hours of the Finals. Hand in hand with its most legendary ambassadors - B2B Email List the presenters Anton Imelda and Guillermo Jimenez - the brand launched exclusive promotions that grew as the night progressed and, a year later, a live program in the B2B Email List previews of the matches, to help to keep the fan awake. In this new installment, 'The Show of the most awake . B2B Email List Drafters edition', Domino's sponsors the trip of the Drafters to Cleveland to generate an exclusive program from there with the best of the all-star competition and that will also B2B Email List feature the presence of the ambassadors Imelda and Guile in several of the contents. A collaboration that runs from February B2B Email List 14 to 24 and will feature 2 direct broadcasts on Twitch and the broadcast of daily content on the Drafters YouTube channel during the All Star weekend.


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